Friday, 14 February 2014

Day Three (Thursday 13th February)

Dizzy seems to a lot more mobile today, thank goodness – despite an awful nights sleep for both us. There really is no choice in that he has to wear a Buster Collar over night to prevent any interference with the leg but now he’s more alert he’s fidgeting a lot in the night and despite his crate being more than big enough for him to do a full 360” turn even with the cone on, he is finding it difficult to get comfy. I lost count of how many times in the night I woke up to the sound of his cone crashing into the sight of the crate!

Lack of sleep aside, Dizzy’s definitely feeling more like his usual self. There’s been lots of tail wagging & this morning I had to react pretty quickly when he tried to launch himself out of the crate as if nothing had happened! He’s starting to want to go outside and last night at around 8pm he finally did his first pee since before the op (phew!).

He’s spent a large portion of the day today on the sofa with me & is much more willing to use the leg to walk when out of the house for pee breaks. There’s still to be no walking on laminate flooring or slipper surfaces as it puts too much strain on the leg, but he’s not feeling quite confident enough yet to do much walking anyway.

All in all, a pretty uneventful day today – so fab to see Dizzy looking happier and more alert than before!

Tucking into breakfast, bright eyed:

Using his leg on a pee break:

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